Mickey K Chris Luc Liev Albert Ahlf Description
Love songs from 1900's Broadway shows jazzed up to create an evening of musical joy with audience sing along. It was the idea of Frederick Mockford, who was a senior radio officer at Croydon Airport in London. He came up with the idea for “mayday" because it sounded like the French word m'aider, which means “help me." Sometimes a mayday distress call is sent by one vessel on behalf of another vessel in danger. So this Mayday Jazz Fest calls for audience to m'aider which translates from French to mean 'Help me!' sing through this jazz fest.On May 1, 1886, more than 300,000 workers in 13,000 businesses across the United States walked off their jobs in the first May Day celebration in history. In Chicago, the epicenter for the 8-hour day agitatorsMay Day is a public holiday usually celebrated on May 1. It is an ancient northern hemisphere spring festival. It is also a traditional spring holiday in many cultures. ... International Workers' Day may also be referred to as "May Day", but it is a different celebration from the traditional May Day., 40,000 went out on strike with the anarchists in the forefront of the public's eye.
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May Day is a public holiday usually celebrated on May 1. It is an ancient northern hemisphere spring festival. It is also a traditional spring holiday in many cultures. ... International Workers' Day may also be referred to as "May Day", but it is a different celebration from the traditional May Day.
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May Day Revelers present spring programs combining songs and dances that are usually associated with "Bringing in the May." They dress in the English "country" tradition of the mid-to-late 19th century, with women wearing flower garlands on their heads, and men wearing flowers on arm bands and in their straw hats.
Many of the songs are English, Welsh and Celtic, ranging from the Middle Ages, through the Renaissance and up into 18th and 19th centuries. The group performs two variations of the quintessential Maypole dance, as well as other dances of the country dance tradition. Audience participation is strongly encouraged.
Programs for May Day Revelers may be scheduled from late April through the month of May. Contact Ruth Sheets for information.
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8:00pm to 10:00pm
Love Birds: $40.00
mickeykjazz@gmail.co UPCOMING EVENTS